Pomoc . Molim vas.

Započeo ...Neno..., Septembar 17, 2010, 13:27:17 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.


Zanimame kako napraviti kucni SAMP server...

Ja sam ga napravio i nasao IP.Ali ga nemogu pokrenuto,odnosno upaliti !

Molim vas da mi pomognete!?

Opisi bolje problem. Server se odma ugasi, ili neznas sto treba ili nesto drugo.

RESPECT 4 EVER: John, GLC,bAndzi, Nikola, Sop, Zoki, Bruno_Venuti, Mele, Luka P,ExtremePower,Wang(neki kineski frajer)

Citat: [GF]Alive poslato Jun 24, 2010, 18:20:19 POSLE PODNE
Paizte ljud mozda je KayLoger! ! !

Idi na YouTube i tamo ces naci kako da napravis server ima na milione tutoriala :D


Ma znam gledao sam....

Ali sve na 0.3a verziji....

I uradio sam tako i nevalja...Nemogu server upalit...Sve sam napravio!

mozda ti imas 0.3a verziju servera a verziju sampa 0.3b provjeri da li je tako(moze bit i obrnuto xd)
mozda nisi upalio samp-server.exe
ako si upalio samp-server.exe a ono se crno odma ugasi onda otvori server.cfg i pod rconpassword tak nekak ide ti poslje toga pise changeme to promjeni u pass koji zelis ako nije to onda odi u pawno i compileaj si gamemode koji ti je namjesten na srver.cfg ako taj mod ima error kopiraj errore i stavi ih tu ako nije nista od ovoga onda stvarno neznam


 Jeli mozda ovoo???????

A-MP 0.3 Server Setup

Once the configuration is complete, run samp-server.exe to
launch the server process.


Example server.cfg:
   echo Executing Server Config...
   lanmode 0
   maxplayers 32
   port 7777
   announce 0
   gamemode0 grandlarc 1
   gamemode1 rivershell 1
   weburl www.balkan-samp.com
   rcon_password .....

To configure the server, you must edit the values in server.cfg. They are explained below:

      Specifies the hostname shown in the server browser
      Specifies the port to listen on.
      This port is used for game connections, rcon connections, and for querying.
      Specifies the maximum amount of players.
      int (0 or 1)
      Turns lanmode on (1) or off (0). Lanmode (as the name suggests) is for use on LAN games, where bandwidth is not a problem. Lanmode sends data at a higher rate, for a smoother game.

      int (0 or 1)
      Announces your server to the 'Internet' server list in the SA:MP browser. On (1) or Off (0).

      Specifies the URL shown in the server browser, which is associated to the server.
   tings. The first parameter sets the game mode name. The second is the number of times it will repeat.
      You can use gamemode0 to specify the first gamemode, gamemode1 to specify the second, etc.
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 17, 2010, 14:40:54 POSLE PODNE od ...Neno...

Citat: ...Neno... poslato Septembar 17, 2010, 14:34:32 POSLE PODNE
Jeli mozda ovoo???????

A-MP 0.3 Server Setup

Once the configuration is complete, run samp-server.exe to
launch the server process.


Example server.cfg:
   echo Executing Server Config...
   lanmode 0
   maxplayers 32
   port 7777
   announce 0
   gamemode0 grandlarc 1
   gamemode1 rivershell 1
   weburl www.balkan-samp.com
   rcon_password .....

To configure the server, you must edit the values in server.cfg. They are explained below:

      Specifies the hostname shown in the server browser
      Specifies the port to listen on.
      This port is used for game connections, rcon connections, and for querying.
      Specifies the maximum amount of players.
      int (0 or 1)
      Turns lanmode on (1) or off (0). Lanmode (as the name suggests) is for use on LAN games, where bandwidth is not a problem. Lanmode sends data at a higher rate, for a smoother game.

      int (0 or 1)
      Announces your server to the 'Internet' server list in the SA:MP browser. On (1) or Off (0).

      Specifies the URL shown in the server browser, which is associated to the server.
   tings. The first parameter sets the game mode name. The second is the number of times it will repeat.
      You can use gamemode0 to specify the first gamemode, gamemode1 to specify the second, etc.
da u toj datoteci samo di ti pise rcon_password changeme i to changeme promjenis u svoju lozinku koju oces i onda upalis samp-server.exe i igras ako opet nece onda nezz probaj nesta od ovoga sta sam ti napiso gore

1. korak:
skines si server client sa sa-mp.com, tocnije: http://files.sa-mp.com/samp02Xserver.win32.zip

Extraxtas zip file po imenu: samp02Xserver.win32.zip u jednu mapu koju mozes nazvat po zelji(NEKA BUDE "Kucni_Server" RADI LAKSEG KOORDINIRANJA I PRACENJA)

Ubacis si mode koji zelis, vjerojatno oces GF mode, koji ti je najbolji za pocetknika

a) GF mode skines sa linka: http://rapidshare.com/files/150353959/The_Godfather.rar.html
b) zatim file The_Godfather.rar extractas u nekom folderu(NEKA BUDE: GODFATHER, radi lakseg koordiniranja i pracenja)
c) otvoris folder "GODFATHER>gamemode", u njemu ti se nalazi GF.pwn. Kopiraj "GF.pwn" i paste/zalijepi u Kucni_Server>gamemodes
d) otvori "GODFATHER>place in pawno includes folder" i u njemu ti se nalaze morphinc.inc i utils.inc, kopiraj oba file-a i paste/zalijepi ih u: Kucni_Server>pawno>include
e) otvori: Kucni_Server>gamemodes>GF.pwn sa "pawno" programom koji se nalazi: Kucni_Server>pawno>pawno.exe i gore na pomocnoj traci pritisni na neki plavi trokut (poput Play na mp3 ) koji oznacava: "Compile/Run" nakon sto zavrsi i nemas errora (nadam se) izadi iz GF.pwn......ovim postupkom si dobio novi file GF.amx sto i nije tako vazno sada za tebe  Grin
f) otvori "GODFTAHRER>scriptfiles" i sve file-ove u njemu kopiraj i zalijepi ih u: Kucni_Server>scriptfiles
g) otvori Kucni_Server>server.cfg sa notepadom, te editaj to da bude ovako:

echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
rcon_password changeme - ovo morate promjeniti
maxplayers 32
port 7777
hostname Moj kucni server
gamemode0 GF
filterscripts adminspec vactions
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.sa-mp.com
anticheat 0

4) zatim to spremi i otvori: Kucni_Server>samp-server.exe
5) otvori SA-MP i na listi servera dodaj
6) Zatim udes na server i igras(ali mozes igrat samo ti nemogu doc drugi igraci)

Da bi drugi igraci igrali na vasem serveru morate ili imati hamachi i biti u istoj grupi kao i oni koji sa vama zele igrat ili napraviti portforward.
1. Ako ste se odlucili za hamachi, onaj tko zeli igrati na vasem serveru mora biti u vasem networku i unjet vas IP iz tog networka u SA:MP
2. Ako ste se odlucili za portforward morate otvoriti port 7777, zatim odete na http://www.ip-adress.com/ i onom koji zeli igrat na vasem serveru date ip koji ste nasli tu http://www.ip-adress.com/+7777 (NPR ovako 12.345.678.910:7777 - OVO JE SAMO PRIMJER)

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