[POMOC] Kako da ubacim ovu kucu?

Započeo GBL, Septembar 12, 2010, 15:00:18 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 4 gostiju pregledaju ovu temu.



-2621.281005,-112.409301,4.342597,2324.399902,-1147.500000,1050.699951,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,8 Room Luxury,2000000,0,0,12,1,0,0,5000,1,0,418,-1,-1,254,10,33

ova je iz property.cfg

a sakam da napravam nova kukja na dr mesto i so drug interrior

eve od /save taa kukja sto sakam da bide

AddPlayerClass(7,254.3907,-1367.1254,53.1094,128.5947,0,0,0,0,0,0); //

Eve interrior sto sakam da e za taa kukja
X 235.508994
Y 1189.169897
Z 1080.339966
ID:     3

ja vidov od ovde http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/InteriorIDs kaj  Burglary Houses Large/2 story/3 bedrooms/clone of House 9

Jel mozes to napisati na hrvatskom/bosanskom/srbskom ili bar na engleskom. Bas te nisam shvatio.

RESPECT 4 EVER: John, GLC,bAndzi, Nikola, Sop, Zoki, Bruno_Venuti, Mele, Luka P,ExtremePower,Wang(neki kineski frajer)

Citat: [GF]Alive poslato Jun 24, 2010, 18:20:19 POSLE PODNE
Paizte ljud mozda je KayLoger! ! !



Citat: LordShigi poslato Septembar 12, 2010, 17:30:25 POSLE PODNE
Jel mozes to napisati na hrvatskom/bosanskom/srbskom ili bar na engleskom. Bas te nisam shvatio.

Aj na english.

-2621.281005,-112.409301,4.342597,2324.399902,-1147.500000,1050.699951,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,8 Room Luxury,2000000,0,0,12,1,0,0,5000,1,0,418,-1,-1,254,10,33

this is from property.cfg

but i want to make a other house with other interrior and on other place.

this is /save from game where i want to be that house

AddPlayerClass(7,254.3907,-1367.1254,53.1094,128.5947,0,0,0,0,0,0); //

This is interrior from wiki samp what i want to add for that house
X 235.508994
Y 1189.169897
Z 1080.339966
ID:     3

i found it from http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/InteriorIDs name:  Burglary Houses Large/2 story/3 bedrooms/clone of House 9
Poslednja Izmena: Septembar 12, 2010, 17:58:34 POSLE PODNE od GBL

Neznam kako da ti pisem pa cu ti na engleskom.

You need to do the so called Virtual World fix. Basicly you need to set players virtual world to a specific number when he enters the house and on exit you need to check in witch virtualworld he is and teleport him to specific coordinates. I hope you understand me.

RESPECT 4 EVER: John, GLC,bAndzi, Nikola, Sop, Zoki, Bruno_Venuti, Mele, Luka P,ExtremePower,Wang(neki kineski frajer)

Citat: [GF]Alive poslato Jun 24, 2010, 18:20:19 POSLE PODNE
Paizte ljud mozda je KayLoger! ! !



Citat: LordShigi poslato Septembar 12, 2010, 18:15:08 POSLE PODNE
Neznam kako da ti pisem pa cu ti na engleskom.

You need to do the so called Virtual World fix. Basicly you need to set players virtual world to a specific number when he enters the house and on exit you need to check in witch virtualworld he is and teleport him to specific coordinates. I hope you understand me.

Man i want to add a house in property.cfg do you understand?

-2621.281005,-112.409301,4.342597,2324.399902,-1147.500000,1050.699951,0,0,0,0,0,0,The State,8 Room Luxury,2000000,0,0,12,1,0,0,5000,1,0,418,-1,-1,254,10,33

What i need to add here ? i give you cordinates from place and from interrior. Please help me!

And you answer in your language not in English. ( Odgovaraj mi na tvoj jazik ne na angliski bolje ke te sfatam )

Imas tutorial u TUTORIALI podforumu za dodavanje kuca u GodFather pa tamo pogledaj.

RESPECT 4 EVER: John, GLC,bAndzi, Nikola, Sop, Zoki, Bruno_Venuti, Mele, Luka P,ExtremePower,Wang(neki kineski frajer)

Citat: [GF]Alive poslato Jun 24, 2010, 18:20:19 POSLE PODNE
Paizte ljud mozda je KayLoger! ! !



Citat: LordShigi poslato Septembar 12, 2010, 18:41:35 POSLE PODNE
Imas tutorial u TUTORIALI podforumu za dodavanje kuca u GodFather pa tamo pogledaj.

Yes man i have used that tutorial and all my objects got fucked.

6. Poslje toga otici u GF GM i u trazilicu napisati HouseInfo i zamjenit HouseInfo[nekibroj][hInfo]; sa HouseInfo[taj_broj+1][hInfo];
{ Primjer za HouseInfo => vec ima: HouseInfo[50][hInfo]; a treba promjenit u HouseInfo[51][hInfo]; }

Kad stavim ovo u GM zgolemim broj svi addstatickpick i koli nestanu,ali kuca radi

I add this in property.cfg

254.3974,-1367.1523,53.1094,225.630997,1022.479980,1084.069946,0,0,0,0,0,The State,Large House,2000000,0,0,7,1,0,0,5000,1,0,418,-1,-1,134,4

i use this tutorial http://balkan-samp.com/forum/index.php?topic=77.45 !

Nisi stavio HouseCar(ove) najvjerojatnije, ili ih obrisi ili dodaj svaki za svaku kucu
Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.

Citat: LuKsA poslato Septembar 13, 2010, 10:19:11 PRE PODNE
Nisi stavio HouseCar(ove) najvjerojatnije, ili ih obrisi ili dodaj svaki za svaku kucu

ako neznas dodavat kuce imas pod public LoadProperty sta ti znaci koji dio u property.cfg :)