GR otkljucavanje

Započeo LoOdaK, April 11, 2017, 09:51:41 PRE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Posto vidim da smo svi u sranju sto nema glavnog,ja sam cak u bolnici zavrsio,ugovorio sam sa administracijom da doniram organe,a oni ce otkljucati

Pitam vas,koji organ bi doniro za otkljucavanje?
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

bubreg evo i ja cu donirat jedan...
Respect: Harexe,Muma,Depay,Hrustanovic,Tosic,#Rakic,Maxwell,Medo,anDro,Dedic,SlavicBeast,gReeDy.amx,berroni.amx,LoOdak,Kasperzi


Citat: King2 poslato April 11, 2017, 09:55:42 PRE PODNE
bubreg evo i ja cu donirat jedan...

Ajd otkljucajte vidite da ovde ima ljudi koji bi dali dio sebe da ponovo otkljucate gr
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Ja imam parce nokta od juce sto sam isekao.. Al jbg steta sto nije to organ...

Citat: MegatroNâ,,¢ poslato April 11, 2017, 10:03:50 PRE PODNE
Ja imam parce nokta od juce sto sam isekao.. Al jbg steta sto nije to organ...

Prihvatamo i derivate kože, bez brige  8)
"SlavicBeast Steam Signature - SteamId for slavicbeast, real name Nikola"

Ajmo narode dajte sta ko ima,ja bubreg king bubreg,ev ovaj nokat,ako treba dacu ja jednu nogu nema problema
CitatElectric Power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels!

Ja imam kurije oko, jel moze to ?