Pomoc oko RolePlay i engleski

Započeo [IF] mariomako, Jul 17, 2010, 14:14:59 POSLE PODNE

prethodna tema - sledeća tema

0 članova i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Neznam bas dobro engleski i role play a sa google translate ne prevede mi bas dobro pa ako mozete pomognete

Pitanje: How do you park your car properly?

  • Drive slowly towards the pavement and park on the side.   
  • Pedal to the metal, knocking a few poles over in the process.
  • ump out of the car in the middle of the road.

I dali sam tacno odgovorio na ovi pitanja?


Od tog pitanja tocan je ovaj prvi odgovor...A ove ostale cini mi se da si dobro rjesio...

Molim vas dajte mi tacni odgovori za ove pitanje

What is the right thing to do if someone rams your car?
  • RP the car crash.
  • Get out and shoot him to death.
  • Keep driving.

You find a bug in the script. What do you do?
  • PM the admins IG about it.
  • Abuse it. If the admins don't fix it you're allowed to.
  • Report it on the bug-tracker.

What is ninja-jacking?
  • Stealing a vehicle from someone and driving away without any RP.
  • Jumping around like a Ninja, kicking people.
  • DMing people with the knife.

A cop pulls you over for no reason. What do you do?
  • Ask him in /b what you did wrong when he approaches.
  • Keep it completely IC, regardless.
  • Drive away, since you did nothing wrong.

You see someone bunny-hopping. What do you do?
  • Ignore him and continue on your way. No harm, no foul.
  • Pull out your pistol and deal with him vigilante style.
  • PM telling him to stop, explaining it's against the rules. If he

Someone you don't know IC uses your name. What do you do?
  • Assume it's a hitman and shoot him dead.
  • Calmly ask in /b how he knows your name, and explain their fault.
  • Yell at him in /b and repeatedly report him. He broke the rules,

Which of the following is a realistic advertisement?
    • I'm selling illegal guns and drugs, give me a call.
    • any1 know where 2 get weed? :D
    • im looking to buy a car please call.

Someone is cursing at you in PMs. What do you do?
  • Insult him back.
  • Take screens and head to the forums.
  • Find him and kill him, and then report him on the forums.

An admin is being unfair, what should you do?
  • Repeatedly /report him in game.
  • Start insulting him. Call him a tyrant.
  • Send a forum PM to the head of admins.

What is the IC scam limit?
  • $50,000.
  • There is no limit, because it's RP.
  • $100,000.
Poslednja Izmena: Jul 17, 2010, 16:44:31 POSLE PODNE od Mario Velickovski

1. 1

2. 3

3. 1

4. 2

5. 3

6. 2

7. 3

8. 2

9. 3

10. To nez xD

10. 2

Citat: Nicky_Boss poslato Novembar 13, 2010, 10:51:20 PRE PODNE
tako su i mene nasli...nasli moj ip ujutro pokucaju na vrata ja otvorim jbt policajci ja se čudim zasto su došli, oni meni kaze jesi ti Micke_Boss sa san andreasa ja kazem da, morate poči sa nama da vam postavimo neka pitanja, jbt morao sam laggat da necu ic na sudove itd..
Citat: Nik Delgad poslato Jul 27, 2010, 15:25:39 POSLE PODNE
DoÄ'u ti japanci obučeni u nindže i masakriraju te!
:P :P

Nije 10. 2) lol...

10 je 1 odgovor..
Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem.

Dali neko bi oceo da mi napravi acc na LS-RP nick neka bude Zero_Corleone ako je zauzet neka bude Zero_Williams ako i taj je zauzet neka bude Zero_Capone email mi je [email protected] stavite koj bilo pass i posaljite mi na PM

Citat: Napoleon poslato Jul 17, 2010, 22:07:33 POSLE PODNE
Pa napravi sam ja cu ti reci odgovore

lol dok vi da odgovorite prasanja budu drugi