[Plugin] SAMP*X AntiCheat Plugin

Započeo Harryâ„¢, Mart 11, 2016, 15:26:43 POSLE PODNE

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Ime plugina: SAMP*X AntiCheat Plugin
Ime autora: Bauer
Opis: AntiCheat je deo SAMP*X kolekcije plugina razvijenih u C++ Programskom Jeziku koji koriste SAMP SDK za povezivanje sa serverom. Trenutno je ovo testna, BETA verzija plugina sa polovinom ukupnih funkcija.
Za sada nije pronadjen ni jedan BUG, a svaku gresku koju primetite, molim Vas i prijavite 


Anti Armor Hack
Anti Health Hack
Anti Fly Hack
Anti Speed Hack
RCON Login Secure
Anti Jetpack Hack
Tick Counter

Kompletna Github stranica projekta: http://n-bauer.github.io/SAMP-X-AntiCheat-Plugin/
Source: https://github.com/N-Bauer/SAMP-X-AntiCheat-Plugin
Binaries (Relases): https://github.com/N-Bauer/SAMP-X-AntiCheat-Plugin/releases/


-SAMP Team for SAMP C++ SDK
-Zeex for SAMP C++ GDK

Å ta je Tick Counter?

-Tick counter se na svakih 10 sekundi ipisuje u logu. Citiram definiciju sa oficijalnog SA:MP foruma:

CitatProcessTick is a function that gets called on every iteration of the server's loop. People generally use this function as a method of managing time by keeping track of the amount of ticks that have passed. The SA-MP server is said to have a sleep time of 5ms, so if 50 ticks go by you have an idea of the elapsed time (5 * 50 = 250ms). Note: Anyone who uses threads in their plugins and require PAWN interaction needs to use this function to ensure PAWN isnt busy doing another task!
Poslednja Izmena: Mart 11, 2016, 15:28:14 POSLE PODNE od Harryâ„¢



CitatComing Soon:

Suport For Linux platform
Full AntiCheat +11 Features
Alpha relase of all functions
BUG Solve (If the user or I found some)

To znaci da se taj anticheat jos ne moze koristiti na hostingu. Inace anticit izgleda ok.